In Memory of Jazmin
Sadly, we have lost yet another wonderful Roxy dog. Jazmin recently passed away at the age of 12 after many years as a Roxy dog. Jazmin was a tri-pawd and children everywhere just loved her. She, her sibling Jasper, and their owner, Diane Elliott, have arguably visited more children in Central Bucks School District than any other Roxy therapy team ever! Some school years they visited 11 classes each week!
We are certainly grateful for all the time and dedication that Diane and Jazmin put into comforting the children in our community.
Here are some words from her owner and handler, Diane Elliot:
Jazmin loved her school days!
“So sad to say that our beloved Jazmin has passed away due to a cancerous tumor in her urethra. She met thousands of kids in her long career as a Roxy Therapy Dog.
She loved all the pats and hugs from the kids and enjoyed them reading to her. She was 12 yrs. old.”