Roxy Dogs Support Students At Groveland
By Mary Alice Loeffler, Roxy Volunteer
The Roxy™ Responders were called to Groveland Elementary School in the Central Bucks School District during the week of March 14, 2022 to comfort children who experienced the passing of one of their fellow students. In the first two days, 15 Roxy teams visited the school. Mary Alice Loeffler recounts her experience with her Roxy dog, Murphy.
My experience at Groveland School on Tuesday ran from sad to eye-opening, from heart-wrenching to joyful. These kids walked into the school off the buses with tear-stained cheeks and fresh rolling tears. When the students entered the room they saw Murphy and went down to his level to hug him, pet him, and hold him.
“They said it helped to have Murphy, Bentley, Tucker, and Missy at school, and they were looking forward to visits from others. The power of our Roxy dogs to bring joy back to a heart that is broken is priceless.”
Then the heartfelt memories of their friend flowed and tears changed to smiles as they shared so many memories with each other. Among the memories the students recounted is that their friend would tell them on occasion, "Suck it up! You can get through it." One young lady said she is going to need someone to say that to her when she speaks at her friend's celebration of life. "When my friend told me that, it would help me get through things," she said.
Their friend's love of dogs and her positive personality is how they will celebrate her life. These children were speaking true-from-the-heart feelings of a loving, caring friendship.
When I asked them if they wanted Murphy's trading card they were overjoyed. When they got ones from the other Roxy dogs, they were excited as well. They said it helped to have Murphy, Bentley, Tucker, and Missy at school, and they were looking forward to visits from others. The power of our Roxy dogs to bring joy back to a heart that is broken is priceless.
Although these students lost a wonderful friend, the dogs helped them to talk about her. I felt as though I knew her without ever meeting. We have lost a very special young lady in our community. She will be celebrated by all those she touched.