A Well Deserved Retirement For Cody
Debbie Saffren and her sweet sidekick, Cody, have been with Roxy since the very beginning! Now, at the ripe old age of 16 and a half, Cody is going to rest and enjoy his retirement. The kids at Buckingham Elementary and all of us at Roxy will surely miss them. Debbie and Cody helped start and grow our amazing organization. We are incredibly grateful for their time and dedication over the last 15 years. Here are some words from Debbie about her years with Roxy:
Volunteering with Roxy Therapy Dogs has been one of my greatest joys! Watching hundreds of kids improve their reading and writing skills, as well as their self esteem, helping a few tackle their fear of dogs, befriending teachers and office staff, and being on the receiving end of countless smiles have improved my life as well as Cody’s. In fact, I’m sure that being a Roxy Dog has extended Cody’s life. He always knew what day we went to school and was so excited about it. He knew he had a job to do and was proud of it. We worked with a variety of classes from autistic support, reading support, multi handicapped, to typical first grade. They have all touched our hearts in different ways. It has been such a privilege to volunteer for Roxy Therapy Dogs for me and Cody and is an experience that I will always treasure!
With much gratitude, Debbie