In Memory of Cooper K.
Unfortunately, we have lost beloved Roxy pup, Cooper. He was a Golden Retriever with a beautiful smile, who brought joy and love to many students over the years. He will be missed by all of us at Roxy.
Here are some words from his owner/handler, Kathleen Kehan:
Cooper was 13 when he passed. It was truly one of the hardest things we ever experienced. I still look for him whenever I walk through our front door. I look out the kitchen window expecting to see him.
Cooper had the biggest smile ever! He was happy all of the time. He loved everyone, especially kids. His favorite kids were our five grandkids who played a big part in his life. Everyone loved Cooper. Our family is large and he set the bar high for all of the other dogs in the family.
He was always up for fun. He loved playing in the snow, and swimming in waters along the eastern and western shores of Maryland. He would happily catch tennis balls for hours. While hanging his head out the car window, he would smile at other drivers and they would laugh and talk to him.
He happily welcomed other dogs into our home when they visited. As a puppy, he often went to work with me and spread cheer to everyone. He enjoyed spending the day at Pabby’s Daycare from the time he was a young pup.
Ten years ago I had cancer. He never left my side. He helped us through many losses and so many happy times.
I retired in 2017 and was thrilled to have him be certified as a Roxy Reader. He loved the kids he met at summer school reading camp with Mrs. Lisa Jethon. He definitely found a home in Mrs. Kelley Finelli’s 4th-grade classes at Warwick elementary. It was always the best day of the week for him.
I’m so grateful to have had him in the Roxy program. I know how much the kids enjoyed him.
Run free Cooper! We were so lucky to have you to love. Until we meet again.
“If love alone could have kept you here, you would have lived forever.”