Annual Appeal 2021 - Please Remember Roxy for Year-End Giving
“While persevering through the challenges of a pandemic, Roxy is delivering on its mission in more ways than ever. Roxy teams are BACK in the schools, the courthouse and other institutions providing our unique brand of comfort across our community. We need your help to fulfill our promise. All paws on deck!”
Did You Know?
Roxy is NOT PAID by any individual or organization for the services we provide.
Roxy serves the Central Bucks School District free of charge and receives no money from it in any way.
Roxy’s President and all members of Roxy are not paid and volunteer their time for the benefit of the children in our community.
Roxy is 100% dependent upon foundations, businesses, and individuals like you to continue to exist.
Roxy Therapy Dogs is 100% Dependent Upon Donations
Roxy volunteers donate hours of training, time and their compassion to share their dogs with thousands of children who need them.
Your donations help provide:
Insurance that allows the 70+ therapy dog teams to enter schools, healthcare facilities, and the Bucks County Courthouse.
Continuing education including the Certificate of Excellence Program (COE) for volunteers, teachers and other vital members of the community.
Roxy puppies, coloring books and crayons that are given to children waiting to appear before a judge in Dependency Court.
And additional operational costs.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Please “Paw It Forward”
You’ll be helping thousands of children in our community benefit from the love and support of a therapy dog…
Click the button below or scan the QR code below.
Other Ways to Help
Volunteer We always need wonderful volunteers to help in a variety of ways. No therapy dog required.
Shop AmazonSmile is an easy way to help Roxy while you shop. Or grab some Roxy wear and swag on our website.
Create a Facebook Fundraiser for Roxy to honor a friend or commemorate a life event.
Learn More About Roxy’s 5 Paw-grams Today
Elementary School Reading Inspiration
Secondary School Stress Relief
See Us In Action…All Paws On Deck!
Roxy volunteer Lois DiMarzio and her pup Kerri are happy to be back in school working with Ms. Meyers' 8th grade class at Tohickon Middle School.