Roxy Therapy Dogs Suspends Visits Due to COVID-19

Sharon Fleck, President

Sharon Fleck, President

Out of extreme concern for our volunteers, both two- and four-legged, and the children we serve in the community, we have decided to suspend ALL Roxy visits effective immediately and until further notice due to the COVID-19 crisis.

This includes all CBSD schools, Bucks County Courthouse, Doylestown Hospital Pediatrics, and Pedia Manor. The appropriate people at each of our venues have been made aware of this change.

This was not an easy decision as we have never been in this position before, but I truly believe this is in the best interest of all of our volunteers and the children we serve at this time.

I appreciate your patience and understanding and will be in touch with more information in the near future.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

In the meantime, we hope everyone stays healthy. Roxy Therapy Dogs looks forward to spreading canine comfort and support to children in our community soon. 

— Sharon Fleck, President, Roxy Therapy Dogs

Sharon Fleck