In Memory of Callie

Sadly, Callie Rose passed away yesterday after 7 years as a Roxy Therapy dog. If you knew Callie, then you knew what a sweet spirit she was. She will be missed by her Roxy family and by all of the children whose lives she touched. Here are some words from her owner/handler, Amy Rose:

Callie Rose passed away on April 29, 2019. She was 11 years old. She was a very happy, loving dog, who brought smiles to everyone she met. She enjoyed her 7 years of therapy dog work with Roxy Therapy Dogs. Whenever the orange Roxy vest came out, she would do a little happy dance. She loved her Courthouse visits and thought she was the official Courthouse greeter. I'll never forget the first time she saw another Roxy team at the Courthouse. She turned to look at me, appalled, as if to say, "What are THEY doing here?" She also enjoyed many years of visits to Pam Lewis's first grade classroom at Cold Spring Elementary.

Although she loved her therapy dog work, there was one thing she enjoyed even more: retrieving a tennis ball.  She was doing it to the very end.
